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Table of contents - English navigation menu for /
An explanatory overview of the "" website and its subpages (an orientation guide - where to find which content).
The "little vampire fan club's website" is a fan-website from Germany. And so, of course, the main part of the website is written in German. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to translate the entire content (such as all the background information on the many book, comic, television, cinema, musical and theater productions) into English. But "The little Vampire" (translated into over 30 languages after all) has fans and lovers all over the world. For this reason, I have at least translated the navigation menu (including explanations of the websites subpages) into English for you, so that you can find your way around my website, even if you don't understand German. The following text includes the information, which content and material (like photos, information, music, etc.) of the several productions can be found on the website and where (under which menu item).
1. News
Website updates and all the latest news about the little vampire (such as events
or new releases).
2. Der kleine
Vampir (The little Vampire)
The following menu items can be found under this link:
- Bücher & Audio (Books & Audio): A list including photos of the German book series, radio plays & audio books.
- Angela Sommer-Bodenburg: Information about the author of the little vampire and various interviews I conducted with her.
- 1. TV-Serie, 1985: The 1st TV series, information about the German-Canadian co-production, the filming locations and the actors (partly in subpages), including photos and several scans of newspaper articles.
- 2. TV-Serie, 1993: Information about the 2nd (German) TV series and the actors.
- Kinofilm (Realverfilmung) 2000: Lot of information about the Movie from 2000.
- Kinofilm (3D Animation), 2017: Detailed information and many pictures of the animated film, including report and photos of the film premiere in Berlin.
- Darsteller (Cast): More information and photos of the actors from the TV series and the movie.
- Names & Looks: The different names and looks of the "little vampire" characters in different countries and productions.
- Das "Who is who" des kleinen Vampirs (The "who's who" of the little vampire): The most important vampire characters of the books with their data, nicknames and characteristics.
- Sammler-Liste (Deutschland): Collector list; A list of everything that has ever been officially published in Germany, each item with a photo (longer loading time of the page due to many photos).
- Der kleine Vampir weltweit (Sammler-Liste Ausland): The little vampire worldwide (collector list abroad). A listing of all foreign "The Little Vampire" books (longer loading time of the page due to many photos).
- Comics: The comic books from the German publisher Bastei.
Musical- und Theater-Inszenierungen (Musical and
theater productions): A selection of performances I have attended, including
- Spurensuche (search for clues): I've been
following the little vampire's footsteps through the books in real life.
- Downloads: Songs ("They can see in the dark"
etc.), photos, wallpapers, newspaper articles... All music downloads offered
(free) are legal and have been approved.
- Autogramm-Adressen: autograph addresses of the
author, the actors and dubbing actors (all information without guarantee).
- Katharina Thalbach (speaker for German audio
books): Report and photos from the reading of "The Little Vampire Celebrates
Christmas" in Berlin in December 2022.
3. Dracula, Vampire & Vampirismus
Extensive information about Vlad Tepes Draculea, the historical model for the
Vampire Count, as well as the castles and places of his real life.
In addition, a brief overview of the topic "Vampires - do/did they really exist?".
4. Über
Information about my
and photos of me.
In addition, a link to a TV documentary about me, as well as (on a linked
subpage) my point of view and opinion on the Gothic scene.
Reiseberichte & Fotos meiner Reisen
Travelogues and photos of my travels): I have traveled to over 30 countries.
Here you will find a list of many of my trips as well as a selection of travel
reports and photo albums.
Sign up by email for the newsletter (in German!) with news about the little
Impressum, Kontakt & Rechtliches
Imprint, contact information & legal information.
Please note that all subsequent pages are in German.
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